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Eagles Hope Beginning:

A young homeless man with a gentle soul captured the hearts of local community members in 2013. He spent years living on the streets not believing in himself. When a group of individuals stepped in to help the homeless, he took the initiative to make his life better. For months, he was off the streets receiving treatment. Unfortunately, he was discharged in the middle of winter, he had no place to go except back into the environment he knew. He froze to death shortly after. Eagles Hope Transitions was founded in 2014 so individuals seeking a better life would have a safe transition back into the communities’ mainstream.


Mission Statement:

Eagles Hope Transitions is a faith-based, non-profit organization, providing the opportunity for Fremont County residents to create and build new lives to transition back into their families and communities. Clients acquire knowledge, skills, and guidance to access and utilize available services to become healthy, productive members of Fremont County. Eagles Hope Transitions provides a safe and sober living environment that allows all patrons to maintain dignity, respect and develop long term personal and financial stability.


Requirements to Become a Resident:

Ability to obtain a job and sustain a low housing fee.

Agree to follow Eagles Hope Zero Tolerance Drug and Alcohol Policy.

Agree to participate in required classes such as Support Recovery, Wellbriety, and a variety of life skills classes.

Agree to follow Eagles Hope housing policies and procedures.

Agree to follow center duties and/or chores.

Agree to be a productive member of the community by doing community service and giving back to those who support us.


Demographics 2023

Served 217 families
Caucasian 30%
American Indian 70%

Who We Serve

Fremont County Residents

Eagles Hope Transitions has provided 44,806 services.


Services Provided

Transitional Housing

Emergency Housing

Homeless Prevention


Hygiene and Clothing


Meetings – Wellbriety, Bible Studies

Classes – Financial Management Training, Job Readiness, and Life Skills classes 



Case Management

Success Rate

Overall success rate 56%

Provide follow-up services for 2 years


Phase One:
Emergency Shelter

Phase One will maintain Eagles Hope standards of maintaining abstinence from all substances. Upon admission, clients will begin to do necessary work to obtain identification, employment or disability if applicable. The program will provide individuals with temporary housing for 6-8 weeks while saving money to enter into the Phase 2 transitional housing. Transitional housing provides residents with a residence for up to two years while working towards permanent housing.

Phase Two:

Eagles Hope Transitions

  • Sixteen livable rooms

  • 10 medium-size rooms/ w bathroom –$380

  • 3 bigger units with extra room (families) –$450

  • 2 small rooms/ w bathroom –$275  

  • Commons area: cook dinner / eat / have meetings.

    • Pantry

    • Laundry facility

    • Three bathrooms / 1 with shower.

Phase Three:


  • Successful transition into the community

  • Provide follow-up services for 2 years


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